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Magnificent Monarchs

Join the Center at the Inland Bays Garden Center and learn all about monarch butterflies!

What’s the difference between butterflies and moths? Learn about how these animals are different and why many people easily confuse the two. Then, participants will closely examine the monarch butterfly and learn about what makes it a magnificent visitor in your garden. The program will also include a take-home project to help people bring their new knowledge & skills back to their own gardens!

Please note: These programs are fun for all-ages and are designed for parents & grandparents to learn alongside their children. A parent or guardian must remain with their children throughout the program.

The suggested donation for this event is $20 per group. Donations are nonrefundable. All proceeds benefit the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays.

Questions? Please contact Maddie Fox, Environmental Education Specialist, at


Jul 11 2023


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Inland Bays Garden Center
Inland Bays Garden Center, 38320 Muddy Neck Road, Frankford, DE


Delaware Center for the Inland Bays
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