Magician Will Fern
Adult $52 Child $35
A seasoned magician with over 20 years performing experience, Will Fern is known around the country for his diverse magical career. From close-up magic performed at all manner of private and corporate affairs, to team building workshops, trade show booth “edutainment”, and theater performances…Will is constantly working, at over 200 shows per year. A masterful comedy magician, Will works audience members into his effects with arresting imaginativeskill. You will be amused … even as you are being astonished at his performance…GUARANTEED! Along with such clients as Novartis, Verizon, Johnson & Johnson and Goldman Sachs, Will has been employed as the resident magician at several top Caribbean resorts and 4-star New York area restaurants. Will is also a regular performer at the world-renowned Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA, and just this July won the International Brotherhood of Magician’s Award for “International Champion of Strolling Magic”. “Tome, magic is just the vehicle to drive my audience into the fun zone. Once we’re there…anything goes. Trust builds, camaraderie is heightened, and the end result is a unique performance that can never be repeated.” “NOOTHER ART can bring the performer closer to his audience, and his audience to him, than MAGIC. I respect my audiences deeply.
Dinner reservations begin at 5 pm
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Theatre Doors Open at 645 PM